A Review on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for High Altitude Visual Inspection
Mohd. Irwan Bin Jusoh, Norzanah Rosmin, Aede Hatib Mustaamal, Aripriharta, Siti Maherah Hussin, Muhalim Mohamed Amin, Nor Azizah Ali
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) UAV is an operation aircraft with no pilot on board. Basically, UAV operates more flexible, and observable compared to ground approaches or other aerial methods which is airplanes and satellites for high altitude visual inspection purposed. This paper provides a review by studying significant research works on unmanned aerial vehicle for high altitude visual inspection. In particular, the working principle of UAV, related works on the UAV system for visual inspection using quadcopter and related works on the quadcopter performance are briefly described in this paper. Further research based on reviewed works will be conducted to improve previous experimental work.
How to Cite
M. I. . Jusoh, “A Review on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for High Altitude Visual Inspection: Mohd. Irwan Bin Jusoh, Norzanah Rosmin, Aede Hatib Mustaamal, Aripriharta, Siti Maherah Hussin, Muhalim Mohamed Amin, Nor Azizah Ali”, TSSA, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 128–134, Nov. 2021.